Wednesday, November 9, 2011

halloween and a hair cut

two posts in one...

this year was carter's first halloween. he was the cutest little duck ever. my favorite part was his tights. we took him to my parent's ward halloween party and their neighborhood party to show him off. morgan and i didn't dress up. we're lame, i know. i really wanted to and was planning on it, but things have been so crazy with unpacking our house that i never got time to put anything together. next year we will have to do something really good to make up for this year. carter was cute enough for the three of us....

get this off me mom. he's ticked.

and thennnn last night carter got his first real haircut from his wonderful aunt brooke. the other day i was giving him a bath and all of a sudden his hair started floating and it was so long. it was seriously like four inches long on the top. i do not want my little boy to have girl hair, so i texed brooke right then and asked brooke if she could cut his hair. she has the cutest little boy pierce that is just about the same age as carter, so i knew she would be an expert. i've done tiny baby trims on his hair before when i cut off his mullet and around his ears a little bit, and he was a stinker. big time. i was a little worried about how he would do, but he had his tylenol bottle and a graham cracker and he was a champ.

after his more long hair!

xox karen

Thursday, October 20, 2011

a new nest

we finally closed on our house! hooray! we have been waiting and waiting to find the perfect house..and 4 months later we are moving in tonight! i'm going to miss living at my parents house and being with my family all the time, but it's only a fifteen minute drive so we can still go over there all the time. i can't wait to get in the house and get all of our stuff unpacked and get settled. i love our little house! its small but so cute and i love the area and neighborhood. a bonus cousin jenny lives one street over! i had no idea until one day when we were out at our house, i saw her walking with her cute little baby! she is about the same age as carter so when they get a little bit older they can have cousin playdates. so fun! we will be unpacking stuff all weekend so i'm getting geared up for a crazy next couple of days!

here is a sneak peak of our house... i'll put up more pictures once we have stuff moved in!

xoxo karen

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

my little crawler

if you missed the news.. carter is officially crawling! he is seriously so quick and likes to crawl all over the place - i can't take my eyes off him for two seconds! he is getting in to everything and likes to climb/crawl all over things! here are some pictures that i got this morning when he was trying to climb in his bouncer!

anddd here's the cutest video of him crawling down the hall to my sister amy

love my little rager.

xox karen

Saturday, September 10, 2011

august 20, 2011

this post is a littttle overdue, but here it is finally! our family got sealed august 20th.  it was such an amazing experience and we are so excited to be together as a family forever. we are so grateful for all of our family and friends that came and supported us!

here are some pictures from that day...

xox karen

Monday, August 15, 2011

six months!

happy 6 months to this guy!

love this boy

i can't believe it has already been 6 months! time has just flown by and i have loved every second!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

17 days

almost 6 months later and i am still trying to lose the last bit of my baby weight from carter (sad, right?). i've been going to the gym at least three times a week doing a muscle class and zumba and that's wasn't enough. so on monday i started the 17 day diet with my dad. i am literally dying. i never knew how hard it was to go on just protiens and vegetables! i miss my carbs. sooo much. i am on day three now and it's getting a little bit easier. the first day i was thinking about food all day. it was horrible! on phase one you are supposed to eat mostly chicken or fish and tons of veggies. its kind of the same concept as the atkins diet, but wayy more healthy! so far, i've lost 2 pounds..only 13 more to go! (haha). i'm hoping that if people know i'm actually on a diet, it will motivate me a litttttle bit more!

feel free to send any diet tips or yummy fat-free low-carb recipies my way!! (:

xox karen

Saturday, July 23, 2011

house hunting

first of all.. let me start off by saying that FINDING A HOUSE IS SO HARD! we have gone back and forth so many times on deciding where, what house, what kind of house (townhouse or regular house). right now we are thinking about buying a cheaper townhouse or house and paying it off in a year or two and then renting it out. one house i love is a cute little yellow two story house with white trim.  i'm too lazy to post a picture right now, but i will if we end up buying it! luckily we have an awesome realtor- my cousin dave nelson.  so as of now, we are still in the market for a house.. and we still can't make up our minds on anything! i mean, we are talking about a HOUSE here. when i go clothes shopping it turns into a huge drama and i can barely decide which color of shirt to buy. 


just wanted to give everyone an update on how our house hunting was going.... not so good

xox karen

Thursday, July 14, 2011

i'm backkkk.....

these past few weeks have been crazy! we moved! we don't have a house yet, but we moved all of our stuff back to az and are looking for a house and currently living in the guest bedroom in my parents house.  it is so great to be back in arizona! i can't even tell you how much i missed it here! also in the past few weeks, carter had a few firsts....

june 1- first time eating rice cereal.. he spit 98% percent of it back out, as you can see in his picture!

june 5- first hair cut.  we finally gave in and cut off the mullet

june 22- first time rolling over!

love him.

xox karen

Friday, May 20, 2011


since i haven't blogged in a while i thought i would give you guys an update on what we have been up to since we've been up to back home in texas..

-saying goodbye to all of our friends.. so sad
-watching 24 (we have now finished 7 seasons.. that's 168 episodes! kind of pathetic, i know)
-spending time with our family here
-waiting for our new sister-in-law to get here!
-working on selling cars
-looking for a house in az!!

everyone is doing good. carter is as cute as ever, he's started 'talking' a lot..i'll have to post a video of it because it is soo adorable. morgan is still keeping himself super busy working hard at pappasito's and selling cars. and i am just loving being a mom!


xox karen

Sunday, May 1, 2011


i love being back home. i always get this high the whole time we are in az. we have so much fun just being around all of our family. crazy how much being gone makes you appreciate every minute that you have when you are back home.  i love our family that is in texas, but its just not the same as having your own mom and dad ten or even twenty minutes away - instead of 15 hours away.  i cannot wait to move back here and be so close to everything that i miss about az!
my family
aunts, uncles, and cousins
morgans brothers and sister that live here
dry heat
barros pizza nights
last chance
pot hole-less roads
laughing and teasing
late game nights
az mexican food (not tex mex)
shopping with my mom
 sunday dinners

we are going to start keeping an eye out for an awesome deal on a house and hopefully find one around the end of july or beginning of august.  i am so lucky that i have such a sweet husband who's main goal is to make me happy. i'm grateful that morgan and i are on the same page about moving. we both feel like it is the right decision for us right now. i can't wait to come back to good ol' az.

xox karen

Thursday, April 28, 2011


i swear we have the cutest baby. and no, i'm not biased because i'm his mom.  he has such a cute personality and such a cute little face! today was the first time he has really laughed, and it was seriously the cutest thing ever! crazy how when you become a mom, the smallest little things like a smile or a laugh are now a huge deal. i love being a mom to such a sweet and cute little boy!

 tell me he's not just the cutest thing.

xox karen

Monday, April 25, 2011


we had the most fabulous easter sunday yesterday! i love being in az with all our family. we went to my parent's ward, which was so fun to show carter off (he looked so cute in his easter outfit). then nicole took pictures of everyone (thanks again nicole!). we had the yummiest dinner, which i ate way too much of, and spent time with my family. later we went over to morgan's brother's house. we had so much fun with adam and arline! i can't wait to move to az so we can spend more time with them and with the rest of our family.we are so lucky that we have the most amazing family - on both sides, which makes holidays all the more fun when we get to spend time with them! happy easter everyone!