Monday, April 25, 2011


we had the most fabulous easter sunday yesterday! i love being in az with all our family. we went to my parent's ward, which was so fun to show carter off (he looked so cute in his easter outfit). then nicole took pictures of everyone (thanks again nicole!). we had the yummiest dinner, which i ate way too much of, and spent time with my family. later we went over to morgan's brother's house. we had so much fun with adam and arline! i can't wait to move to az so we can spend more time with them and with the rest of our family.we are so lucky that we have the most amazing family - on both sides, which makes holidays all the more fun when we get to spend time with them! happy easter everyone!


  1. KAREBEAR!!!!!!
    I'm so happy you have this so I can see your lovely life!!!! :) I miss you! Carter is the cutest thing ever! I'm so happy for you guys and your family pictures are adorable! Love you both and miss you! <3

  2. HEY! Your blog is GREAT! I'm glad you guys are having fun in AZ -- but don't stay too long! We need to hang out before we all leave! :)

  3. Karen!! these photos are darling! I took senior pics for Michael on Saturday and I wish you were in town so I could see you and your cute baby! Next time we're both in town I'm coming over!!

  4. Karen! I am so glad I found your blog! You made Seminary so fun in Highschool and I can't believe your married and have a baby! Your little family is so cute!
