Friday, May 20, 2011


since i haven't blogged in a while i thought i would give you guys an update on what we have been up to since we've been up to back home in texas..

-saying goodbye to all of our friends.. so sad
-watching 24 (we have now finished 7 seasons.. that's 168 episodes! kind of pathetic, i know)
-spending time with our family here
-waiting for our new sister-in-law to get here!
-working on selling cars
-looking for a house in az!!

everyone is doing good. carter is as cute as ever, he's started 'talking' a lot..i'll have to post a video of it because it is soo adorable. morgan is still keeping himself super busy working hard at pappasito's and selling cars. and i am just loving being a mom!


xox karen


  1. WE MISS YOU GUYS!!! I wish we could have the best of both worlds... you know, our friends in Texas AND our family in Utah. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to get going on our reunion trip, right?!

  2. Totally! We should try for maybe some time in November before things get too crazy with thanksgiving???
