Wednesday, November 9, 2011

halloween and a hair cut

two posts in one...

this year was carter's first halloween. he was the cutest little duck ever. my favorite part was his tights. we took him to my parent's ward halloween party and their neighborhood party to show him off. morgan and i didn't dress up. we're lame, i know. i really wanted to and was planning on it, but things have been so crazy with unpacking our house that i never got time to put anything together. next year we will have to do something really good to make up for this year. carter was cute enough for the three of us....

get this off me mom. he's ticked.

and thennnn last night carter got his first real haircut from his wonderful aunt brooke. the other day i was giving him a bath and all of a sudden his hair started floating and it was so long. it was seriously like four inches long on the top. i do not want my little boy to have girl hair, so i texed brooke right then and asked brooke if she could cut his hair. she has the cutest little boy pierce that is just about the same age as carter, so i knew she would be an expert. i've done tiny baby trims on his hair before when i cut off his mullet and around his ears a little bit, and he was a stinker. big time. i was a little worried about how he would do, but he had his tylenol bottle and a graham cracker and he was a champ.

after his more long hair!

xox karen