Wednesday, September 21, 2011

my little crawler

if you missed the news.. carter is officially crawling! he is seriously so quick and likes to crawl all over the place - i can't take my eyes off him for two seconds! he is getting in to everything and likes to climb/crawl all over things! here are some pictures that i got this morning when he was trying to climb in his bouncer!

anddd here's the cutest video of him crawling down the hall to my sister amy

love my little rager.

xox karen

Saturday, September 10, 2011

august 20, 2011

this post is a littttle overdue, but here it is finally! our family got sealed august 20th.  it was such an amazing experience and we are so excited to be together as a family forever. we are so grateful for all of our family and friends that came and supported us!

here are some pictures from that day...

xox karen